
This is just a short excerpt for the about page.

In times, we often see things, but we don’t really capture what is beyond it. In some cases, there are people who are artistic and are prone to see what other’s cannot visualize. Every individual has a talent which can be expressed and processed differently. Something you see can mean entirely divergent things to someone else for example, some may see thing’s that may seem simple, but in the eyes of an artist, it can be perceived with a whole new definition, dimension, and a potentially new discovery. As a photographer, my view of the world, can be skewed towards looking at everyday objects as potential art, but it wasn’t always like that.

The need to take photographs was captivating; not only was it for a grade, but an escape I used to drown my feelings. Photography was now becoming a way of expressing myself.

Everywhere I saw I could see all the plain and ordinary things or objects of everyday life, but suddenly they became a whole new world
